PPC Keyword Match Type 3: Phrase Match

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PPC Keyword Match Type 3: Phrase Match

Post by [email protected] »

Phrase match keywords are a phrase or close variations of that phrase. Your ad will only show when someone searches for a term that includes the keyword in the phrase, with or without additional words before or after it, and close variations.

Phrase match helps eliminate risky and potentially unnecessary traffic generated by broad match and broad match modifiers.

When you use the phrase match type, your ad will appear in search results when someone searches for your keyword phrase in the correct order. It may also appear for searches that include additional words.

An important distinction between phrase albania phone number library match and broad match (or modified broad match) is that phrase match does not include search terms that contain words in the middle of your phrase.

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This match type is important because phrase match is more flexible than exact match and allows Google to use more discretion than broad match or broad match modifiers.

Because you don’t have to rely on exact matches, you can benefit from the broad audience that phrase match attracts, but the opportunity still exists for your ad to be served to irrelevant traffic.


Word order doesn't always matter, but when it does, phrase match is an essential match type to use to ensure you reach the right searchers.

There will be an increase in traffic for the specific keyword you choose, meaning your advertising budget is paying for more relevant traffic.

Phrase match typically does not provide the same volume of traffic that broad match does. However, since phrase match is more targeted to your ad niche, it will drive more quality traffic with a higher chance of conversion.
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