A review on Google My Business is nothing more than the opinions that different users leave on our business listing.
Reviews on Google and other platforms such as Amazon have become very important for online businesses because they show potential buyers the quality of the product or service provided by our company without having to try them.
Today, 9 out of 10 users check reviews before making a transaction.
These would be examples of customer reviews on Google.
Google My Business Reviews - Review Examples
How do Google reviews work? Types of reviews
Google is currently giving a lot of importance to local SEO and that is why philippine cp number companies are investing in it.
The answer to how Google reviews work is simple: the higher the rating, the better local SEO our business will have.
Google takes into account the following characteristics when giving more value to one review than another:
Rating from 1 to 5:
The Google My Business rating system is based on star ratings.
The maximum score is 5 stars and the minimum is 1.
If a review includes keywords related to the company's sector, it gives extra points.
If customer reviews are accompanied by images, Google gives them more value and so will users, since they will be able to see the quality of the product with their own eyes.
A current review will count more for Google than one that was made a long time ago.
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